What to Wear on a Cruise for a Jacket Required Evening
Some of the cruise companies are relaxing part of their dress codes.
Jacket required and semi-formal are being changed now for smart or evening casual.
But boys if your anything like us and our friends we love a dress up in the evening; for us it is part of the cruise holiday.
We love having a busy day on board or excursions then returning to our cabin to shower and get ready for dinner and the evening ahead. So you make it what you want.
If you are not flying there is no restriction on how many outfits you take…..ENJOY YOURSELVES
‘Smart jacket and tie, smart shirts which don’t require a tie may be worn with a jacket or blazer.’
It is ideal for gentlemen to think of business wear and you will be fine.
A navy or sports jacket with light trousers is acceptable and does look smart too.